Best Alarm apps for your Smartphone

Wake up in the morning is really hard, especially if you need some extra help to get out of bed. If you use your smartphone as an alarm clock, there are apps who make waking up easier.

We have a compilation of the best alarm apps for smartphones.

Math Alarm


This one is for the people who falls asleep again after turning off the alarm. Math Alarm, makes you solve math problems to stop the annoying song.  This free app is available for iOS and is great if you have a math exam later in the day.

To solve the math problems, you need to be awake enough to think, so at the end you will be able to alert and ready to leave the bed. You can choose the sound of the alarm and even the difficulty of the math problems.

Download Math Alarm from App Store

Alarmy (Sleep If U Can)

Android and iPhone users can try Alarmy (Sleep If U Can), an alarm app that makes you get out of bed to stop the annoying sound.

Alarmy (Sleep If U Can), ask the user to go to a certain place of the house that is previously registered in the app and take a photo. You can register several places of your home and even furniture like a desk.

Alarmy (Sleep If U Can), take care very well of the difficult job to get you, literally, out of bed and ready to start your day.

Download Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) from Google Play

Download Alarmy (Sleep If U Can) from App Store

Morning Routine

Android users can get up and also start their day with Morning Routine, an alarm app that has a particularity; you need to take photos of several parts of your morning routine to turn it off.


You set what the alarm will ask you to do (go to the bathroom and take a photo of toothpaste or take a photo of a milk carton), and even customize it so your phone open an specific website or applications when you accomplish any of the steps. Up and ready to start your day with Morning Routine .

Download Morning Routine fron Google Play

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